Saturday, July 15, 2023

Back to it!

 Well, an SMA friend and I were messaging tonight. Long story but Elton John was brought up. I was remembering the concert we saw back in 2008 (July 21st ). So I started poking around Facebook looking to see if I had any pics. I thought I did but thought the show may have been before I joined Facebook…Then, I thought of my old trusty Live Journal. I found the entries! (Oh and reading back the entry reminded me that cameras and recording equipment were not allowed so that is why I only have a few phone pics that Kathy snapped of us!)  Reading the entries revived many memories and gave me the spark to want to record out life again. We certainly don’t do a lot of exciting things these days but I think it’s still worth recording  

Today was a pretty average, not exciting day. It was super muggy and pretty hot. No Saturday day nursing coverage. So Gene and kinda took turns with Casey’s care. He did great in his chair today. Lots of turn heads (left, right, left right) but zero butt complaints. 

Pic above is Casey watching a YouTube video game walkthrough.  Each evening we flip to his right side AKA alternative side, and he takes a break from using his device and watches a walkthrough or occasionally a movie.  The last couple of days we have watched a very long Lego City Undercover.  Thank goodness for long walkthoughs! 

Gene worked hard outside. Tomorrow will be rainy so he had to get some mowing in. He also worked in our front area a little. It was totally weedy and overgrown and looked like crap. We just haven’t had the time or decent weather to work on it like other years. The front garden was never finished nor did we finish the rock part that I started to redo. He and I took all the rocks out and that was it. We need to lay down a barrier, sort out the rocks/weeds and replace. We’ll see if it ever happens. 

Gene plans on going out with Lucky tonight after Nurse Deb gets here. I plan on putting the AC on upstairs and reading my book for a short while anyway. Red Sox already played and lost so I don’t have to fret over the game. 

My heart has been heavy all week  Tomorrow is Connor’s Celebration of Life.  I pray Karen, Bill and the boys get through it okay.  I know they’ve been working board all week getting things together to make it a special celebration.  We’ll be watching on Zoom.  I bought Gene, Casey and I purple Beatles shirts to wear on his honor/memory. 💜 💔💜



1 comment:

  1. I love this so much! Thank you for sharing your entries with me. I can't wait to read more! We'll "see you" at Connor's celebration of life, too💜
