Friday, November 9, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness-Day 9--A blog

I will be self-indulgent here and say that I am thankful for my blog :)  I'm thankful for it for many reasons, all of them being important to me.

One reason is that having our life down in words and pictures will help me remember our good times and not so good times.  All of these make up the life of our family and I like that I can scroll through old blog posts and reminisce about this birthday or a certain Christmas or a day that was especially great at school for Casey.  And, I can remember the days that aren't so good, the days that the boys have been sick or had infusion therapy, or when we found out Colin had a broken leg--I can look back and see that we made it through those days and will make it through more not so great days.

I also like to know that there are people out there that check in on our family.  Friends, family, acquaintances, teachers--the list goes one.  There's also the people that have come to know us through the SMA world.  And, people that have stumbled upon this blog in some obscure way.  It's kind of cool and comforting to know that people are interested in knowing how we're doing and take the time to read our blog. 

I also like to think that there are some SMA families that read our blog and find some encouragement and hope.  Somewhere along our journey we have found our own normal.   Having two boys with SMA, as you can imagine, can be challenging but we try to keep a pretty good balance between sheltering them and getting out in the real world.  I hope that other SMA families can see that you can have a life and experience things even with all the medical and physical challenges we have.  I do NOT want people to feel sorry for us.  I want them to see that we have two amazing boys and that we love our lives and are very happy.

Dad and Colin playing kick ball.

Casey just starting to go on the zip line!

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