Thursday, January 6, 2011

2 big things

1. Our microwave died.
2. Casey had a terrific day.

This morning I made my first cup of coffee from the Keurig and then put it in the microwave for 20 seconds like usual (I like it extra hot) and I drank it. I noticed that it was noisier than normal but didn't notice that it didn't heat my coffee. Brooke said, "Oh, I think your microwave died. I ate cold oatmeal last night." Sure enough, it was kaput. Gene tried to fiddle with the fan but it must have been the heating element. It was a good microwave; we've had it since 2003! Found a Kenmore online. Gene went to the Sears in MIlton and, of course, they didn't have the one we liked on line. But, I think he just walked in the door with one he got from the mall Sears. Gotta go check.


Done! The microwave is in it's place. I already heated up some ready-made turkey meatballs (and now they're simmering in the sauce). I think we'll like it although the keypad is different.

Yes, Casey had a great day. He was awesome in Language Arts class and earned free time by listening quietly (optimal word here) to Mr. Wyndorff read The Outsiders out loud.

His trip in the community was to Good Will. He donated some of his toys and a few odds & ends. He got to see the room where all the stuff is taken in and sorted. Then he shopped he bought a book (one of which we already had) for 99 cents.

Random pic of the day: Nurse Julie and Casey~Kate's Place 2009


  1. do you have the temp on your Keurig turned up? Too funny I turned mine down, I dont like my coffee too hot! That picture is very cute!!!

  2. Hey Sheila,
    I know I HAD my Keurig turned up, but good idea, I'll check it. I love it hot!! I do put a bit of half and half in, so that cools it down...Gene takes his black and puts ice cubes in it to cool it off...Isn't he weird???
