Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sandbar with the fam

Peggy is babysitting Conor (2) and Eddie (13) while RJ and Tiff have a little time away.  She's been wanting to bring Conor to the Sandbar so today was the day.  Get ready for many pics!

It was a beautiful day. Warm and breezy.  It took 3 vehicles to get all of us and our stuff to the park, lol.  Eddie and Steve rode together, Julia, Peggy, Conor and tons of stuff in her car, and Gene, Chris, me and Casey and his stuff in the van.

We had a picnic lunch of turkey and provolone on rolls, chips and dip, pretzels, Doritos, pickles, grapes, cherries, strawberries, mini blueberry muffins and brownies.

Casey was a little bummed that he couldn't get wifi there so he couldn't use the Internet.  Peggy had radio and Gene was able to get the Red Sox game so that appeased him.

Conor is a funny, busy toddler!  He wanted to explore everywhere.  I think we all took several turns walking around and exploring the park with him.  He and I went all the way to the playground.  I helped him climb up the 'stone' wall and then slide down the slide (feet first!).

If you know Peggy, you know she is a doting Gramma and loves to buy coordinating Conor had a whole shark set up:  shirt, swim trunks, chair, tent, etc.  So cute!  Somehow Gene, Conor and I wanted to see if we could fit in his little popup tent. Guess what?  We fit!

Eddie had a grand time and spent most of the time in the water. He found some kids his age to hang with and they looked like they had a good time.

I hadn't been to the Sandbar in years.  It was busy but not too crowded.  We really didn't have anyone close to us so it was pleasant. The worst was that Julia stepped on some gum and I think I stepped on a brownie that Conor had dropped, lol.

We were pooped out when we got home.  I must have gotten some wind burn because I was freezing and put on a long sleeved shirt and socks and it was just under 80 degrees!  I feel Fall in the air, especially in the evening and overnight.  I love the Fall but will miss the summer days.

Speaking of Fall, Casey is upset that he will not be heading back to school.  He has had school every fall (and pretty much throughout the year) since he was 6 months old.  It's been a big adjustment for him and it's hitting him pretty hard right now.

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