Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Jaxon and I dashed outside to, um, pee and play some ball before the storm came in. We did our pee and were playing with the ball when, CRACK!, the thunder started! He seemed okay with the thunder and then an even huger one came and I think we both jumped 10 feet in the air! We grabbed the ball and I put the leash back on and started bolting for the house because torrential rain started. We were rounding the corner and I slipped (I was wearing my crocs!) I think Jax pulled me 5 feet before he realized I was down. Ouch! My whole left side, especially my shoulder and knee are already sore and achy and killing me!


  1. Ouch thats not good, sure hope you don't end up too sore.

  2. OH NO! Are you OK? I know, dumb question! I tried to take him out when you were napping, but as soon as I picked up the leash he ran away and tried to hide behind the couch in the living room! I think he thought I was going to take him away like for real! :( I felt so bad and then after that I went to go fold the laundry on the couch and he took off behind it again! I hope I didn't traumatize the poor thing! I got home just before it hit here and poor Roxy cried, then she barked at the really loud thunder. Poor doggies but poor you!!!!!
