Thursday, July 7, 2011

Busy day already and it's only 10:30!

I had the boys last night. Casey was perfect! Colin was extremely 'flippy' as he needed to flip about every half an hour. Ugh. Gene slept on the couch, as usual, but we brought Jaxon's crate downstairs and put it near Gene with a blanket over it so that the cats could feel like they could roam and not be skittish around Jaxon. Jaxon slept like a log and Moxie felt like she could walk by him and come in and torment me like usual.

So, last night Gene asked when the dentist appointments were for the boys so that he could block off his calendar. I thought they were at 2:15 or so. When I flipped my calendar I saw that they were at 9:00 AM!!

Oh, my! That changed everything! My counselor appointment was scheduled at the same time-what was I thinking???

So, I called my counselor and asked if I could bring Jaxon. She said she thought it would be fine but she'd clear it with the owners...

This morning I got up right before 7:00 and started the day. Nancy H came for Casey. Woke the boys, started nebs and getting food and their chairs ready, etc. Took a shower, had one cup of coffee and some cereal. Got Colin's clothes out, bucket of water ready, etc. Nancy L came and finished him up.

Jaxon and I were out of the house at 8:30 and Gene and the nurses and boys were right behind me!

M.E. loved Jaxon. Thre was another dog there and it kind of startled him and he huffed but the rest of the time he was perfect.

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