Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy Birthday to Bob, in Heaven

I'm writing this post several days after my brother's birthday but I'm posting it on his true birthday...

This is Bobby's second birthday in Heaven. The first was truly hard and so was this birthday, but it was a little less intense, I guess I'd say. I truly think the day he was shot, and the day he died, will be harder days for me to deal with.

Gene bought a new American flag to fly in honor of Bobby on his birthday. Last year Dad had suggested that we fly an American flag in honor of his birthday as he was a (ex)marine and had dedicated his life to law enforcement. This year Gene decided that the flag was in too sad of a shape to fly so he bought a new one. He put it up early in the morning in Bobby's honor.

Again, this year, I spent some time upstairs alone in bed and ate chocolate marshmallow eggs. This year I ate ONLY 8 instead of last year's 9! I never knew what to do for Bobby's birthday so I'd traditionally send him a carton of marshmallow eggs since his birthday always coincided with the Easter season and they were readily available and he loved chocolate marshmallow. One year I send him TWO cartons and he said to me on the phone, "What are you trying to do, make me fat?" Ha! He's never been fat or out of shape--ever!

Again, this year, I made a chocolate pudding graham cracker pie which was one of Bobby's favorites. Chris came over in the afternoon and we had dinner and silently enjoyed some chocolate pudding pie.

1 comment:

  1. lots of HUGS to you!!!!! I know you have to miss him deeply!!!!
