Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy 1st full day of spring---NOT!!! It snowed!

Yes. It snowed. Not tons but it was totally swirling around and it stuck to the trees and the grass. I just heard that the roads are bad tonight--but more slippery due to icy conditions.

I woke up with a head banger today. I think it was the stupid change in weather. 600 mg of ibuprofen hardly touched it.

Linda was here today for Colin and will be tomorrow. He kind of gave her a hard time about listening and doing work. I think he lost two Scooby snacks this morning.

Casey had a good day at school. He's been getting a lot better about being quiet in the hallways when classes are going on.

Not much was accomplished today. Some phone calls, a little paper work, laundry. Shoot, just realized I forgot to place our DME order.

Paul dropped Casey's new SAT monitor off this afternoon and I turned in the loaner.

Whooeee, so exciting!


The best part about today was when Casey and Colin had a little spat! So funny! Colin doesn't always like it when Casey comes in the living room to watch TV because he can be too noisy and it makes him mad. Julie wheeled Casey in and Colin was perturbed so he said, "Bye Casey!" (sounds like bii aseee) over and over again so Casey responded with his DynaVox, "Colin, bye, bye". They went back and forth for quite a while until AC came and she and Casey went out into the other room to watch football.

1 comment:

  1. Sibling rivalry, too funny. got to love it.
    Yikes snow, it must still be really cold there. We ended up with rain and wind for the first day of spring.
    to answer your question Junior's fav color is orange.
