Wednesday, February 5, 2014

snow day for Casey and belly brace prep

 I declared a snow day for Casey today.  No public schools were cancelled in Chittenden County but it looked pretty nasty out to me and was only supposed to get worse.  Nancy H came and she masked up because she had been fighting a cold.  She only stayed until noon to go home and get rest and to beat the weather. 

Casey got up for a while and read some of his ebook; Speak.  Watched some TV, some football, etc.  I think he thought it was funny that he didn't have to do school and Colin still did. 

I made another batch of rugelach today and I will say they were even better than last batch.  I think there was more apricot in them and I think I had a perfect amount of nuts/cinnamon/nutmeg.  It also helped that I used the Penzey cinnamon Peggy gave me, and also the Madagascarian vanilla. 

Deb from Biomedics came today at 1:00 so Colin got to finish school a bit early.  No sweating or high heart rates when she worked on him.  I think he is finally getting used to her after all these years, ha ha.

We've decided to go with a 2 piece belly brace/ TLSO.  We've always used a one piece that has Velcro straps in the front and a cut out for his g-tube.  Now that Colin is getting bigger it's pretty awkward getting him into it so we're opting to try this.  He'll have Velcro straps on each side to fasten and hold him snugly in.  We'll have the first fitting in a couple of weeks and Deb will mark out the g-tube hole and cut it out at the shop and do another fitting.  Colin was glad to pick out a new print for his belly brace.  We'll keep it a secret and unveil it when he gets to keep it :)

I always encourage Karyna and Colin to do a 'non-screen' activity after school before he puts his face back into an ipad, computer or TV.  So today I started pulling out some games and things that I want them to focus on.  I'm trying to get Colin to use the abstract thinking/predicting part of his brain.  Today they got to choose between Mr. Potato Head Yahtzee, Red Sox/Yankees Tic-tac-toe and Scooby Doo concentration.  Colin picked Yahtzee.  He used to play it with Nana Lanza so we had a moment when we made our sad sounds and missed her.  I can just hear in my head how they used to play that together and it was so cute.  Anyway, I made sure to let Karyna know that Colin had to make all the choices whether she thought there was a better move to make.  She could point out something if he didn't pick it but had to honor his final choice.  He won :)  

Colin has played some Tic/tac/toe before but I don't really know if he can strategize or if he just picks random spaces.  So, we'll see.  And, I know he has a good memory for some things--like movies, or wii games, but not sure if he will use that memory in a matching/concentration game so we'll work on that, too.  I'm going to make them a special box and maybe even build in some rewards for them for completing these activities.  They'll get a kick out of that.

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