Last evening we went out to see the Milton Light Parade. Last year they went right by the house. This year the route was different but close enough to walk to see. We thought we had it timed right but, ooops, we were halfway down our street when it went by on Route 7. So we backtracked as fast as we could go to catch them on their way back around a neighborhood loop. We went as quickly as could be with me leading the way with my sore leg and a lantern. Then came Nurse Julie with Casey with his flashing light up scarf and hat and sleigh bells. Last was Gene and Molly. Molly had on her orange harness and flashing doggie light. Gene wore his dad’s safety vest (his dad was a crossing guard),a hat with a led light and some flash lights. We were quite the sight!
We got to our spot. Didn’t have to wait too long. A policeman was stopping traffic te the line of cars to make it back out to Route 7 so we had a good view. I’m adding the video but they were so much more spectacular in person. Casey wants Dad to put light on our van next year so we can be in the parade.
We’re so happy we got to have this little bit of holiday tradition especially since we didn’t go to the town tree lighting this year. It was fun!
Enjoy the videos!
PS Molly was a super good girl it’s funny, when we put the harness on her she gets really docile and cooperative which is a good thing when we are out on a walk in the dark in a busy street!