Saturday, November 10, 2018

4 Years

Today marks 4 years that Colin has been gone.  I just noticed that his picture is crooked.  Ooops.  It is a tough day to get through.  Period.  But I wanted to be less outwardly sad for Casey's sake.  He is sad, of course, but he doesn't seem to have as hard a time as Gene and myself and other family members do on this day.  So I wanted to try to be normalish for Casey.  Everything I did today was with a heavy heart but I made it through the day.  

Peggy made this montage to honor Colin.  Such cute pics!!

Casey, Gene and I wore our We Love Colin shirts.  Didn't get a pic of Gene.

This was my Facebook post:

Nothing profound to say today. Just trying to get through the day. Miss my ”Bok Choy Boy” so much. Trying to be open to signs from him. Have received two already. First, I was nurse last night so I sleep in a bed across from Casey which was Colin's spot. The bed has lots of Colin's pillows and stuffies on it. This morning my hand touched something. It was ‘baby chick’. Aunt Julia had made Colin a red stuffed chicken with 4 baby chicks that go in pouches in her sides. Red chicken was way at the bottom of the bed last night but somehow one baby chick landed halfway up the bed by my hand 💙. Second, I was tearfully scrolling through Facebook and my Windows went away and there was my favorite pic of Collie on my desktop looking at me. I figured Windows had crashed, but it hadn’t; the tabs had just, what do you call it, gone down to the bottom. 💙
Colin Robert O'Neill
April 4,2001 to November 10, 2014

The two signs that I got early on were very cool and I was thankful.  I was hoping for more,  I was trying to keep my heart open.  I belong to a Facebook group where I shared about Colin.  Someone posted and said to watch for dimes as they can be a sign from Heaven.  I was kind of skeptical since I believe Colin has sent me pennies before.  Much to my surprise, not long afterwards, I was picking up some laundry that Gene had thrown in front of the washer and look what was there!  A single dime!  Gene always empties his pockets out upstairs.  He tends to have bills, coins, pens, receipts and all sorts of things in his pockets and he likes to be the one to empty them (probably so I don't steal his cash, haha, and I don't throw out his precious treasures)  I'm pretty sure it was a sign.