Monday, September 26, 2011

We are all so glad that Gene (Dada) is home!  He was only gone for one night but he was sorely missed (is that what I meant to say?)  The biggest pain in my butt was Jaxon.  Oh, how he missed his master!  He's a good sleeper at night but during the day he is a clingy terror.  He followed me around and got under every step I took.  We went outside 14 times today!  He loves to play, play, play.  He gets pretty rowdy and naughty.  Then he goes inside and drinks tons of water since he's parched from playing and then, of course, he has to pee, so the cycle continues.

Claire was here to create a splint for Colin's new micro switch.  I think it's going to work well.  I have some video of him using it but my Flipshare software had some error on it.  I hope it's not screwed up completely.

Gene finally made it home around 5 something.  He had stopped at Price Chopper to pick up some dinner.  AC stayed home but Mom and Dad came over.  Gene made some nice steaks on the grill (and he didn't over cook them) and some panko breaded broiled haddock.  We had rice pilaf, green beans, seeded Italian bread and raw carrots for mom.  Cupcakes that I made last night for dessert and/or apple pie.

Casey wanted to sit with us a dinner tonight.  That's very unusual.  He used to enjoy it but then he went through a phase when he didn't want to and no matter what we did he would yell.  We asked him tonight and he said "yes" and was good as gold!  He used his DynaVox (mostly) appropriately....well, he did tell Grandpa to "shut up" but it was done in jest.  He thought it was funny when he kept telling us to turn out the light.  Gene kept on making up stories what would happen if he kept the light off--Grandpa would bite off his lip and we'd have to put a bandaid on it, or Grandma would eat Jaxon by mistake.  He loved it!  I was very proud of my boy!

Casey had a good day at school.  He was a little better than 'medium' good.  He had a few breaks but also earned some free time.

Colin had a pretty good day, too.  I think he lost it a little bit when Cheryl came to shadow Priscilla, but I heard him doing some good listening and some participating.

It sounds like Gene and Dad had a good time on their adventure.  They had a nice dinner in Newport and watched the Red Sox/Yankee game until almost midnight (I was home watching here!).  Red Sox finally won in the 14th inning, whew, we needed that!  They were up early and hit the pond/lake and fished and floated and enjoyed the beautiful day.  Gene even took his shirt off and got burned.  Dad caught more fish than Gene, as usual, but no keepers.  They enjoyed the lunch I packed.  I'm glad that they got to do that again.  I know they both looked forward to it each summer.

Colin is sound asleep.  Gene read the book that he's reading with Casey to both of them tonight since Mom and Dad were here late and then didn't get alone time.  It must have bored Colin to sleep!  But, he also does have a little temp going on.  When I got him in bed I noticed his arms were freezing but his body was very warm.  He also looked a little glassy-eyed.  When I took his temp he was 99.9 axillary.   Tylenol given.  Hoping he sleeps well tonight. 

Heartwarming story:  Another must read/watch.  I promise it won't disappoint.

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