Monday, March 31, 2014

Pamidronate infusions today

We're here.  Supposed to be here at 8:30 but we were a little late. At least is wasn't snowing or freezing rain as it was earlier.  Checked in.  Headed to Comfort Zone for IV start.  Colin went first.  Got it second try.  I was about to blow but the got it.  No tears.  Hardly any fuss.  Don't know what his heart rate was because I forgot to turn his monitor on.  They got Casey on second try, too.  No drama. He was laughing at the nurses and talking on his DynaVox while they did their thing.

Headed up to the Infusion Bay.  IV bolus.  Tylenol given.  Wait for labs to come back.  Started Pamidronate.  Colin picked Frozen to watch, which was odd because he has not wanted to see it at the movies or on DVD.  He was totally absorbed while watching it but says he didn't like it.  After that the nurse asked if he wanted another movie or TV.  I said probably TV because it wouldn't be too much longer...  The nurse looked at me like I was nuts.  She said it was running over 4 hours.  We'd always run it over 2.  So they looked back and saw we had done that before.  Talked with doc.  Revised the rate, but somehow we still had to do it longer because of we'll be her longer than normal.  Phooey.

Casey was pretty ornery at first.  Jenny came from Child Life with the Jim Carey grinch movie that Casey had told her thT he NEEDED to watch next time he was here.  She had looked over the entire hospital last time.  I guess she picked up a VHS copy from somewhere.  He totally multi tasked, DynaVox, iPod,--he even asked for wii and Jenny set it up for him so he could see it from where he was laying and played it with him through the glass do his room into the common area.  A little spoiled, perhaps?  Right now he's listening to Water For Elephants on his e-reader.

Much of the time there's no one else in the bay.  There are only 3 rooms.  This afternoon a little kid came in for some treatment-I'm assuming some sort of cancer/chemo treatment.  Breaking my heart with the wailing and crying.  Sigh.

This is a little stilted because I'm typing on the iPad.  For some reason I couldn't get my laptop on line.

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