Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Harlem Globettroters for Colin and the mall for Casey

Busy day today.  School like normal for the boys.  Lots of puttering for me and I still don't feel like I've made a dent in everything that needs to be done.  Oh well, that's just stuff.

We gave Colin one of his birthday gifts.  I don't think he was too thrilled but I think he at least liked it.  Here he is with his new Big Easy Harlem Globetrotters jersey.

So, we got ready to go (not an easy task, luckily Nurse Julie was here until 5:00 so she was able to help us get them ready and up in their chairs and then we were OUT the door!  Picked up Aunt Chris.  Headed to UVM's Patrick Gym.  Oh yes, and we had Jaxon, too.

Luckily, we got there and there were lots of handicap spots so Gene dropped us off right near the entrance.  We were on line a few minutes before 6:00 so we didn't have to wait long to head in.  Aunt Chris bought Colin a program.

The UVM Event Staff is very accommodating.  We were the first to need wheelchair seating so we got the prime spot.  Last year we were under the basket, but I guess they weren't crazy about it because we almost got bonked (well we did but not badly) by the ball.  This year they had all the area under the basket roped off.  So we had the corner by the doors.  It was okay but, man, do people even WATCH what they paid for???  The crowd was in and out constantly.  And, we saw the same people frequently, too.  I know little kids get restless and have to pee but, geez!  I felt bad for the people on the lower bleachers (where Aunt Chris and Nancy Hadd sat last year) because I'm sure they hardly saw a thing with everyone walking by.

Anyway, the Globetrotters are lots of fun!  Definitely a family show.  They do seem obsessed with farts, butts and underwear but I think they're supposed to appeal to 11-year-old boys!  They play basketball, but they do lots of other stuff, too.  Lots of tricks and they have a lot of audience participation.  We got some high five and hand action and enjoyed doing the wave.

It was hard to hear Colin (boy, we could have used that voice amplifier that I want for him!) but I could hear him cheer and sing along to some of the music.  They do YMCA, Adams Family, Moves Like Jagger and other songs we recognized, but sorry to say, no Monster Mash!

Afterwards, they put up ropes to keep the autograph seekers from tackling the players but they let us go under the ropes like last year.   One of the guys, not a player, brought us around and would alert the player that we were there and they would finish up the autograph they were doing and then autograph Colin's program and talk to him for a minute.  Very overwhelming and exciting and fun!  One of the players (I have to figure out which one) gave him his wrist sweat band!  We also got Globie's signature (he's the crazy fun mascot).  Then we were done!

While Colin, Aunt Chris and I were at the Globetrotters, Casey and Dada went to the mall.  I guess he was pretty good--not a lot of yelling.  He was tired out from not sleeping well the night before.  They hit a lot of stores, one being Gene's favorite Taco Bell.  They also checked out tractors and appliances at Sears, picked out a couple of movies at FYE, looked at wii games at GameStop and checked out stuff at Kohl's.  Casey was very proud of himself for picking out a gift for Colin.  He picked out a blue Adventure Time tee shirt that says "heck yeah" on it.

Then they headed back to UVM to pick us up.  Apparently there was an ambulance there and Gene couldn't see what was going on and was kind of freaked.  I think it was for an older person that was having some breathing troubles...

Dropped Aunt Chris off and headed home.  Got home right before 10:00!  Yikes.  I was nurse so Gene and I did the minimum night care on the boys, turned off the lights, hit the ocean waves and I hunkered down with them and tried to sleep.  Actually, they were good sleepers.  I only flipped Colin twice, I think, and Casey about 4 times.  ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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