Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rango-boy, Earthquake

Wanted to post a pic of my Rango-boy. He is definitely into it. Today Nurse Lauren duded him up and they went outside to check the neighborhood (back yard) for bad guys. Apparently, the pool and the grill were very bad because they got shot with lots of nerf bullets!

OH, and no one in this house felt the earthquake that we centered north of Richmond, VA. It was the largest earthquake the east coast has seen in 100 years! Many people felt it in Vermont, and specifically, Milton, but no one here felt a thing! I must have been napping with Moxie...maybe that's what woke me up. The boys were outside and Julia was around here somewhere...

BUT, this morning, we all SWORE that there was a huge explosion or earthquake. Gene figured that they were blasting in the quarry again. It's recently re-opened. We all looked at each other like "is this the end of the world?" Weird, because we didn't feel the actual earthquake.

Here's Casey today. He was hanging in his room listening to a book on CD and gazing out the window.

This morning the guy came from the chair place to tune up the boys' chairs. I had envisioned something a little different than he did. I remember our old place they would pick up the chairs, bring them to the shop and check them over completely. When I made the appointment I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be thorough. All he did was ask us a few questions and then suggest some new tires. I said, well, can you check the breaks and the frame solidness and things like that?? He said that the chairs looked great and the power chair wasn't making any noises so it was good. Sigh. We did point out that Casey's manual chair needs new tilt cables so we're getting those, too. Ooooh, and he noticed that we're missing a few caps over some of the bolts on Casey's power chair so he'll get those covered. Ha! Wanna bet that never happens!?

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